
Race choice

So I've been interested in playing an atronach for a while now...
  • The best mage race is obviously Breton, except perhaps when it comes to being an atronach: spell res means nothing once you have 100% absorption and you already get +150 magicka - the extra 50 is nice but high elf gives more and its worst feature is eliminated by absorption.
  • Wood elves and dark elves have -10 willpower which lets face it - sucks dick.
  • Imperials improve personality which basically makes it a dud, its not entirely shit but it's also not any good which makes it shit.
  • Argonians lose endurance which is not as bigger issue as everyone claims it to be, but still a pretty hard kick in the nads. Water breathing is a gimmick but disease and poison res / immunity isnt. It's pretty hot but the draconian madstone glitch substitutes that ability partially.
  • Nords lose Intelligence, which is undesirable and dont have any other redeeming features.
  • Orcs are just awesome, if only they had a magicka bonus, and Redguards pretty much suck dick in every way except one and we've already discussed how the draconian madstone puts that in perspective.
  • Khajiit are really cool, they have two amazing spells to start but their stats suck. When choosing a race, the skill bonuses arent really important. It's minorly beneficial if they are spell skills but really that just saves some training.

So basically, Breton is the best, then Argonian, Altmer and Orcs are good options and everything else is voluntarily castrating yourself.

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